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the philoshophy

Carbon fiber is frequently stated as a material which miraculously enhances the properties and the performance of goods made of it. This is a dangerous misconception which follows the growth of the DIY culture and catchy marketing phrases, such as "100% carbon". Carbon composites are a genre of expensive materials which addresses high end markets, such as the aerospace, aviation, automotive and marine sectors. The implementation of composites requires the faculties of experts from multidisciplinary educational and work backgrounds. Production initiatives which bypass this premise are bound to be plagued by failures and costly reimbursements. The windsurfing boom industry ought to be no exception to this. Ideally, notions like "buy booms 15cm larger than you need" and phrasing like "crashes and impact render warranty void" ought to become obsolete. Windsurfing is all about trying and failing with crashes and catapults, often hooked ones. 


The ingredients list for the making of a Cafrosboom is just as lean as the rest of this business operation. Only raw unadulterated engineering rationalism is used. The route from concept to customer is paved with a utilitarian mindset. The maker employs his knowledge and experience in delivering a carbon boom with unprecedented resilience, reflex and stiffness. The boom shop is equipped with a production line for fabricating prepreg carbon, CNC milling facilites and an array of ancillaries, all built by the maker himself to suit his engineering approach.


The principles that drive Cafrosboom are respect to customers and fixation with engineering excellence.  

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the statement

no reimbursement policy can delay the onset of hypothermia at mid-sea

the maker


Yannis is a mechanical engineer specialized in the field of polymer processing. He has served the industry of plastics for nearly three decades, through the full gamut of job positions in blue and white collar. In 2016 he made his first wave booms and spent the next 4 years analysing results, revising production regimes and quantifying all the aspects of his boom making. In 2021 he launched Cafrosboom with the Power-Wave slim boom and entered the market slow and steady on the principle of sustainable funding. In 2023 he introduced the Control-Wave boom as the first boom ever to feature a tube diameter of 23.5mm. Later in 2024 he launched the Esc_Free boom which boasts a tube diameter of 24mm, yet another first ever for mid-sized booms. 


Yannis Nikoleris - Mechanical Engineer

BA, Reed College, OR

BSc, Caltech, CA

MSc, Texas A&M, TX

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